


Introductions are boring so I’m going to keep this one short. My name is Shloka Badkar. I’m 19 and a Mass Media student, pursuing Journalism. I’ve been meaning to start blogging since quite some time now.

I decided to name my blog- Coffee Stained Thoughts while I was walking back home from work (currently, I’m interning at a digital marketing company, SoCheers). I drink 3-4 cups of coffee a day. And there is so much going on in my caffeinated mind that it all comes out in my writing.

So welcome to my little coffee stained world. I write random things. Sometimes, I write stories and poems as well. I’m pretty excited about this! I really hope you enjoy reading my blog. Feel free to like, comment, share my posts. Thank you! πŸ˜€


6 thoughts on “First

  1. Shloka, I am so proud of you. I’d love to read what you write; a hot brewing coffee or a cold shaken one , anything will do. I am sure the taste of your coffee stained thoughts and writings will be fresh and much-needed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m was also a Mass Media student. I originally started in Public Relations, and Journalism. I need to start back, I only have 2 years left…life got in the way, and then I started living life! Like, you I wanted to start blogging because I love writing and sharing my experiences. I can’t wait to read your stories! Your page makes me want coffee. I can almost smell the roasted coffee beans!


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